Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This look isn't a bit fashion forward, new or experimental but there won't be anyone that wouldn't want to look like this at least one stage of their lives. And the word to describe something like that is elegance.

Currently Playing - Another Day - Jamie Lidell


Ca said...

In my opnion pure class and effortless elegance has nothing to do with fashion, but style and personality.

Ca said...

And I apologise for the late reply, will check my blog email ASAP!

If you're still wondering what Ca, my blog alias, means then you could take a look at my old blog:


At the bottom of the article I've written an explanation.

Syed said...

That is pure timeless style. Mens tailoring will always be classic and refined, it is a glacier compared to the fast moving and short lived fireflys of fashion.